Monday, March 16, 2009

FOUND: $8 billion dollars

Do you remember when I blogged about the $8 billion dollars of TARP money going overseas to Dubai?
I think I found it!

RIYADH, Saudi Arabia (Reuters) — The Kingdom Holding Company, owned by the Saudi billionaire Prince Walid bin Talal, posted a $8.26 billion net loss in the fourth quarter [of 2008] after a drop in the value of its assets, including a substantial stake in Citigroup. US News

Do I get a 10% finders fee?

If you were worth $21 billion, would losing $8 billion bother you? What would you do about it?

I know what I would do.

If I were the Prince, I would politely ask the responsible party(s), the US Congress and certain Presidential players for a refund. If they had a problem with it, I would offer to share irrefutable intelligence information and financial transactions involving US politicians to the world media.

Let's face it, Saudi Arabia buys supports as many top US politicians they can. I have little doubt that our politicians line up with their hands out. Saudi spends big money on everything, including over $30 billion a year on their military, mostly with the US, as well as fund several known terrorist organizations.

For a country that makes an estimated $311 billion a year on exports, the US being their biggest customer, supporting US politicians are a necessity...and a bargain.


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