Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Conservative Political Values

People vote their paycheck. If I vote for you, what do I get in me the money. I will never forget receiving a $300 stimulus check from the US Treasury, compliments of President Bush and Congress. I felt good about it, for around 10 minutes. The consequenses of his action have escalated. I believe he showed Americans that politicians can pay anyone for anything at anytime using borrowed money, funded by taxpayers. President Bush was never a fiscal conservative.

The problem with conservative politicians is they are not as popular as their liberal/progressive counterparts. They are much less dashing than political performing artists. Their campaign promises aren't as attractive. They confuse and anger people with unpopular facts along with reasonable solutions. They actually want to destroy our mortal enemies and keep American safe. They aren't very dramatic...and the harsh reality is Americans love drama.

The biggest problem with a conservative politician, especially high level positions, is they have a 98% probability of changing many of their conservative beliefs after elected into office. More than 1,100 politicians voluntarily signed a document created in 1986, the Taxpayer Protection Pledge, whereby candidates and incumbents solemnly bind themselves to oppose any and all tax increases. Recently, a few of them crawfished, including: Don Young (R-Alaska), Arizona Governor Jan Brewer, the Gang of Ten. Just because we expect politicians to not keep their promises doesn't make me hate lying any less.

Conservatives have many unpopular principles that many believe are just plain un-American. Allow me to give some examples of conservative convictions and beliefs.

The US Government

Serve, defend and protect Americans; not dictate, repress, exploit or defraud those they govern.

Keep Americans safe and secure on our own soil.

Provide for a strong military and care for those injured from military service.

Government should be frugal and efficient.

Levying taxes is not an inherent, fundamental right of government by virtue of its existence. Taxes exist to allow the government to function and perform its essential, i.e. Constitutional, duties.

Reward personal responsibility, not tax or discriminate against it.

Exercising eminent domain for the use or benefit of private enterprise is an infringement of Americans civil rights.

The US Constitution

The Constitution was written for the people, not for the government.

The purpose of the Supreme Court is to uphold the Constitution, not decide what is right and wrong.

Protecting Americans civil and Constitution liberties.

Provides for individual Americans to own firearms.

Provides for freedom of speech of all Americans.

Conservative Values

Providing for the right to life, even that of an unborn child.

Protecting our children.

Preserving traditional marriage.

Preserving Americans property rights.

Human liberty predates government, these liberties cannot be repealed by government.


Justice should not be for sale.

Enforcing our laws should never be optional.

Criminals should be punished, even at the expense of building more prisons to house them.

Politicians and government employees involved in criminal activities should be held accountable and punished, particularly if the crime is a conflict of interest with their position. Punishment should be severe enough to be a deterrent to political corruption and misconduct.


Education and hard work are the keys to opportunity and success;

Teach self help, self reliance and self control, not dependency on the government.


Freedom of religion, not freedom from religion.

The Economy

Business, not the government, should be the primary conduit for job creation.

Promote technology and innovation. Our future depends on it.

Protect the American worker and allow voluntary union participation.

Promote free and fair trade. Free enterprise is what the success of the American economy is based on, not socialist or nationalist policies.

Income redistribution is not the purpose of government.

I am not a Republican. I am a conservative. Republicans and Democrats alike are responsible for the condition of our great nation. The best thing about liberal politicians is that we know what we are getting when we vote for them. Unfortunately, the same cannot be said for conservative politicians. Many of them go against the very precepts that got them elected, and I believe they are traitors to their country and the people who voted for them.

...but I could be wrong.

Denney Crane

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Shoulda supported Ron Paul.

I don't have a bumper sticker, but if I did, I guess I'd be considered a subversive in Missouri:

Beware the thought police.