Friday, February 6, 2009

Stand Up, Stand Up For...

I just sent our esteemed Senator Kay Bailey Hutchison an email on her website concerning the Pelosi-Reid-Obama Economic Stimulus Bill.

Here is what I wrote:

Thank you for the job you are doing!

As your constituent, I plead with you to not vote for the Pelosi-Reid-Obama Stimulus package or any compromise thereof. The GOP has a great plan that is actually economic stimulus, but the Pelosi-Reid-Obama bill will not work, even with a few hundred billion in compromises.

I promise you that those who vote for the Pelosi-Reid-Obama bill will regret it come election day! I sure won't forget their names

Let me invite you to copy and paste the same message to our Senator at your first opportunity. Here’s the link.


In the name of urgency!

What makes anyone think the U. S. Government knows how to properly stimulate the economy when they have already lost 30% of $254 billion taxpayer dollars on the first bailout… that’s almost $80 billion wasted! No telling what happened to the other $500 billion!


Don't take my word for it...

Listen to what Peter Schiff, predictor of the economic downfall created by the housing bubble, has to say about the Economic Stimulus bill in this video. Phrases like "Unmitigated Disaster" are widespread… some economists call it “Economic Armageddon”.

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