Tuesday, February 10, 2009

In Other Unpopular News...

Islam Group Urges Forest Fire Jihad

•Josh Gordon
September 7, 2008 <<< NOTICE THIS DATE! >>>

AUSTRALIA has been singled out as a target for "forest jihad" by a group of Islamic extremists urging Muslims to deliberately light bushfires as a weapon of terror. The Age


Fannie Mae to Loosen Rules
for Home-Loan Refinancing

“To allow more borrowers to take advantage of today’s historically low interest rates and help the lending community break the logjam in mortgage refinancing, the company is extending its refinance offerings,” Faith said in an e-mailed statement. The program “will streamline” refinancing “for potentially millions of current mortgage holders,” he said.

Please remind me how lowering mortgage payments will help unemployed people make their house payment...


Now comes the N word!

In 1999, the Clinton Administration pressured Fannie Mae to loosen up credit requirements for making home loans. Will the U.S. Government, led by President Obama and his minions, take over our nation's financial institutions in the name of economic stability? Newsweek


Pentagon Issues 'Credits'
To Offset Harm to Wildlife

The Pentagon has been funding Texas A&M University to pay landowners near a Texas military post to protect endangered bird species on their land under a secretive program designed to free the military to conduct training activities that would damage the birds' habitats inside the post's boundaries, documents show. Washington Post

The alternative: "...permanent easements that bar development in perpetuity are known to be more effective in protecting vulnerable species."

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The old Golden Cheeked Warbler. I remember when this debate was young, bioligists were saying man was the ONLY reason the Warbler was still around since nature had selected it for extinction because it could not compete with the cowbird and man routinely stops the fires that would have destroyed their last holdouts. Cowbirds are also captured and killed routinely to prevent predation.

That thinking may have changed but, that was believed to be true years ago.