Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Hard to swallow

Sentencing Cops Who Killed Katherine Johnston Reason
Very hard to swallow, read to the end!

The most actively discussed bills in Congress… one includes
H.R. 305: The Horse Transportation Safety Act of 2009

Houston considers paying credit cards balances
for some residents… Houston Chronicle

U.S. donates $900 million to rebuild the Gaza strip…
So Israel and Hamas can keep blowing it up?
Or is the US buying more weapons for Hamas???


The Accomplice said...

I remember reading about the Katherine. Those were bad cops. Federal time is not like state time. Day for day and no parole. They deserved more if they are guilty of thier crime. I didn't like the article. Those at the bottom of the article were cop killers. Not all of us are bad "cops". I would hope that if someone killed me because I was enforcing a foreclosure, they would get more than a few years.

Chris OConnell said...

There was voting last year about safety of transportation of horses in double decker trucks. What happened with that? Seems as if I have more work to get done yet again. Thanks for adding to my plate, elected officials!

On another note: I support you Acc. I have lots of family in Texas in law enforecment. Pray for all of you daily. Stay safe out there g'friend!


Denney Crane said...

Dearest Accomplice,

Break down my door in the middle of the night without identifying yourself and I am gonna shoot until I kill you. Cop or no cop.

I will be the first to assist an officer in danger or who needs backup, but these SWAT style home invasions are bullshit and are a growing concern in America.

Gestapo tactics in a free society means police will be shot and killed. Their excuse, they could flush it down the bullshit too. Here's an example... tell me how you can flush 32 lbs of marijuana down a toilet? Why couldn't they just turn the water off?

It's overkill, plain and simple. Untrained SWAT teams pretending to be the real thing. Rural counties have no business in the SWAT business. Call in the state or FEDS, but Barney Fife's don't need to be on tactical units.

Chris OConnell said...

Re:SWAT going in. Case in point: Twin Cites, MN, late night. SWAT had been given the wrong address for a drug bust. Knocked the door down. Male home owner came down the stairs with a gun, shooting to protect his family. SWAT responded, as they would. No one was shot/killed. After all facts were worked out, SWAT went home and family went back to bed, or whatever. Months later, after the PD had stated that they had made a mistake, the SWAT was given an award for bravery. WTF!

How the he77 does that work exactly? Nothing to compensate the family for damage/intrusion on their home.

I'm all in for support of law enforcement, lots of them in my family. BUT,,,there needs to be a time in this country that facts need to be backed up by more than one source. Yes or NO?

Stay safe out there Acc,

Anonymous said...

I don't know why the "cops storming the wrong house" scares me so much. I know it won't happen to me.
But if it does.....there will be bullets flying in both directions.

There needs to be some accountabilty on the cops end. If you are such a dumbass that you make the conscience choice to storm into a house at night and don't do the research so that you pick the wrong my mind you don't deserve to "serve and protect".

If you are not shot and killed in the process you need to spend the rest of your life in prison whether a shot is fired or not!!

If I'm 75mph down the road and I see you rolling around on the ground with a criminal....I'm there for you bud, I'm your best friend.....but if you break down my door at 3:00 in the morning you're getting a facefull of buckshot.