Thursday, February 12, 2009

Give it up for our new Secretary of Education, Arne Duncan

Now this is what I call change!

CBS2 Chicago - "If someone hits a student, they are going to be fired. It's very, very simple," Duncan said.

Before heading to Washington, he vowed to take action.

"Any founded allegation where an adult is hitting a child, hitting a student - they're going to be gone," Duncan said.

But that's not what happened under Duncan's watch. Of the 568 verified cases, only 24 led to termination. Records show one teacher who quote "battered students for several years" was simply given a "warning" by the Board of Education.

If he can't handle Chicago schools, I wonder about the quality of our children's education in our once great nation.




Judges accused of jailing kids for cash! MSNBC

These judges made it very plain to Mr. Powell that he was going to be required to pay certain monies.”

Do our children really have a chance at life, liberty and the pursuit of justice?

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