Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Crawfishing #3


Obama appointed more than 17 lobbyists after
talking big on anti-lobbyist, clean Governance

"Dreams are dreams. Facts are facts. President Obama is surrounded by corrupt lobbyists ready to sell America cheap." India Daily
Don't mince words, tell us how you really feel!

After flushing the world economy down the crapper, our government is under a magnifying glass by media around the globe. The world is no longer worshiping our President; they want him held accountable for the change he promised.

I wish our allies would use some of covert operation to expose those in our government who choose to undermine, damage and disgrace our country! After countless trillions were lost worldwide, it would make financial sense to police our politicians. Presently, much of the corruption is suppressed, discounted or ignored.

It's bad enough that 90% of the world wish us harm; sadly, our own politicians do much more damage!

Thank you Hot Air for the original post.

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