Oh ye of little faith and lots of language; see for a fact that Denney Crane pays his debts. This post is so you will know that I lost my wager to MXXX YXXX on who would win the Presidency. The way this little drama unfolded was priceless to me. It should have been entertainment to all who have followed it. Some Democrats are poor winners too...
This is probably a drop in the bucket compaired to what this next Presidency will end up costing me. I will continue to do and pay my part.
God Bless America and God Bless Americans
Denney Crane
In the immortal words of the Liberal God, William Jefferson Clinton, immediately after he told a blatant, bald-faced lie to all Americans ["I did not have sexual relations with that woman, Ms. Lewinsky..."]: "Now I'm going to get back to work for the American people."
So let us get back to blogging and let Mr. York fade into blog obscurity with his newfound fortune.
Denny .... I am going to withhold comment.
For now ... Annobama
Jar you have to remember Willie -boy is from Arkansas, "sexual relations" is a term they really mean. So he technically wasn't lying.
Noticed the comments "Most excellent BJ". Did you get the monies from your mother?
Dear Anusobama,
I know it must be very difficult for you to withhold comment...a admire your self control.
Well done, Denney, well done.
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