Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Congratulations to our new President Barack Obama...although,

I do have a few predictions...

1. Within a year, your paycheck will reflect less take home pay than it does today.
2. The jobless rate will be staggering until more government money is used to create jobs, the rest will be happy with welfare and unemployment.
3. The energy crisis will become worse and worse, especially winters up north. I believe our government will cast blame and not create solutions.
4. The democratic congress will get very little done because they won't be able to agree on anything...without lots of pork.
5. Iran will get it's nukes...unless Israel bombs them.
6. Our government will begin extortion tactics against big business just like they did again big tobacco and Microsoft. Remember, they call big business the "enemy". And you wonder why business and jobs are going overseas...
7. Illegal aliens will no longer be illegal. They will be accepted citizens of the U.S. and given all rights and benefits as our government provides.
8. Terrorism will begin within our nations borders; especially if Obama gets assertive in the Middle East (which is doubtful since most his money came from there).
9. If the end of days, we will see even more natural disasters, crime, pestilence, perversion, slaughter of the unborn and the annihilation of Israel.
10. As history has shown, God's blessing on the United States will dry up...and his children will wish they had paid more attention and become more involved...

Oh dear Lord in heaven, I pray I am wrong!

"A government that is big enough to give you all you want is big enough to take it all away." Barry Goldwater

I never thought I would see the day a self proclaimed "Maverick" would lie down and let his opponent beat the living hell out of him. I have never really been a true John McCain fan due to several of his policies, but he was a true American war hero and a patriot: but, it seems he did everything he could to allow Obama to run all over him.

He had several opportunities to aggressively turn the tables and seize popularity of the people of this country, and he did nothing. I believe he didn't really want the job or someone got to him. Waiting till the last five days to start fighting for the Presidency of the United States is just a few months late... I want a fighter, not someone who just lays down and lets his adversary beat him up and take away his toys. I'm not sure that the best man didn't win.

The American people have spoken. They want the absolute most liberal Senator in Washington to be our President. I don't know what kind of change that will create, but we shall see. Americans are least as long as nobody takes away their precious guns and religion.

But I could be wrong,

Denney Crane


Gator said...

...and during the next four years when Obama's "plan for change" fails it will be the Republicans' fault. They will have to lay the blame most certainly won't be their "chosen one" that they love, adore and worship.

Anonymous said...

...oh will somehow be Bush's fault.

Kathleen... said...

Denny, I swear, I agree -- and disagree -- all at the same time. McCain did not go "wheels off" on Osama, but why? Because he has irascible integrity; if you're too honorable to be otherwise, you (McCain) simply steer clear.....

Maybe not breaking out the "guns" contributed to McCain's loss (I DOUBT it), but I fell in love with the Senator M for a reason...he was a better man than the opposition. I will never forget John McCain.

Anonymous said...

McCain has more class as we could tell by his concession speech but I agree that the things he said in the last few days of the campaign he should have been saying from the start. Lord help us but I am going out to buy a farmers almanac as I can feel some gardening will become important. Hope I can afford the gas for my tiller!
And of course they are going to blame it on the Republicans. Don't think they are going to throw one of their own under a bus. I can name a few I would like to sling under the bus including Pelosi. To bad they hid Biden out, I was for sure he would screw up for them. A Dan Quail in the making!!!

Anonymous said...

8 years later, your predictions are a monument to being overly-dramatic.