Friday, October 24, 2008

Preach on Brother Beavis!

Call it the way you see it...


butters said...

Down with socialism... Up with Mad Cow research!

Anonymous said...

Just think that I am going to take that first 1000 dollar Tax cut he offers of yours and spend it on either Green Peace or maybe abortions.

Then I am going to take a picture of the receipt with your name on it and have Barry post it on his BLOG !!!! ROFL

Anonymous said...

Obama 9 points ahead .... mmm ABC News and NBC. And now a fake attack on a staffer. LOL

Crud Bonemeal said...

Wow! That was heinously excellent. The country has no idea what they are getting with this guy. Can you imagine an unrestrained democratic congress lead by those two insane people, Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid, with the dumbass Biden as Vice President and Obama who will never veto anything those communists pass. Oh, Joe McCarthy, would that we listened to you in the fifties and shut these commies out of the country!

Gayle said...

Excellent video, Denney! I'm with your last commenter: Where's Joe McCarthy when we need him? He had it right and nobody listened. Now look what we're stuck with. *sigh*

Anonymous said...

Obama has the liberal media in his pocket for over a year and has spent many more millions than Mccain, and all he can claim is a few percentage points more? Hell, I couldve won with that kind of propoganda.