Sunday, October 26, 2008

Okay, let him explain!

I have found that some things are much easier to understand when put in the simplest of terms. If you like straightforward dialog that has meaning and humor, you will enjoy this. One must admire his passion. I wish I could vent like that!


Anonymous said...

Good Luck to you also ....err ... actuallly maybe not so much. I do not want 4/8 more years of Geo Bush polices.

Denney Crane said...

The suffering caused by 9/11 was because of the policies formulated by Bill Clinton.

The suffering from the recent bailout was from policies instituted by Bill Clinton.

Your gonna get you some more of that and worse...but that's okay... I'm sending my money far away from here...

Anonymous said...

8 years of Republican control and its the Democrats fault. All you mentioned happened under the Control of George Bush.

Denny I think the ideology of NO REGULATIONS at all was a bad theory deregulation is the core of these problems we have now. (Economy wise). Big corporations CEO's sold out the working man (middle class) and lined their pockets. Free enterprise is wonderful until it is used for class warfare.

Denney Crane said...

I don't like Bush, I don't like McCain, but be honest with at least yourself... they are all a bunch of whoremongers... whether it be for the dollar, power or whatever!

Bill Clinton was alot worse and the fruits of his labors are coming to fruition. Don't worry, Barack will get a dose of it once he starts taxing business and depression ensues.

I know what will happen if I am wrong, but I'm more afraid if I'm right.