Thursday, March 2, 2017

Cupcakes, snowflakes and cake eaters...

Okay, I bought my first “Smart” TV and realized it’s not that smart. A machine this large should be 100 times more powerful than a smart phone or tablet…

Whoever comes up with the technology to bring high speed, wireless internet service to the world by satellite without requiring a special antenna will control the air waves, not to mention make billions the process. Say goodbye to AT&T, Directv and all other wireless communication.

I noticed that Chico ISD put a new bond up for the May election. What got my attention is how they announced to taxpayers the increase in taxes. $4 a month for the average home instead of $50 a year. Ingenuous or deceptive?

So I bought 15 bales of hay to use as organic raised beds in my garden. No bending over, plowing, or hoeing. I plan to use the lawnmower between bales, wish me luck.

It looks like tornado alley has become very active further east. I’m sure Oklahoma is thankful…

I seldom watch regular TV, other than the news, unless recorded so I can fast forward through commercials. Somehow I managed to catch a fantastic ad on TV from the NY Times. At the end, it read, “The truth is hard. The truth is hard to find”. Preach on brother!


an Donalbane said...

I'm partial to angel food cake.

Anonymous said...

The blowback against the Democrats' witch hunt against Trump will be epic. What was their end game anyway? Create social unrest leading to civil war in order to break white hegemony as well as the sovereignty of the state?

Uh, ambitious plan, but non-realistic.

Democrats live in a world of fake tears and hysteria. The latest Zeta messages are laughter.

Anonymous said...

Nobody cares about the truth anymore. Maybe there isn't any. It got all used up a long time ago and ever since everybody lies about everything.

Anonymous said...

The Democrats cannot pull off instituting a world government, as much as they would like. They would have to force half the world at gunpoint to go along. That might work for a while until some disaffected citizen takes a gun or a knife or a bomb and shows the public how easy it is to change leadership.

Moco Bale Gardener said...

I'm on my second year of bale gardening. I use straw bales. A guy from Valley View delivers them to me at a good price. What wheat kernels that are left do sprout, but I just cut them off with scissors. We mow and sometimes weedeat between the bale rows too. I wonder how many weeds will sprout out of your hay bales. Hopefully it wasn't sprayed with herbicide, otherwise, you're screwed. I follow Joel Karsten's method. He wrote a book about it - google him. I'm a member of Facebook's Straw Bale Miracle Garden group - that's his folks who run the page. Last year was my best garden ever. I put in a drip irrigation system, and between the convenience of timed, even watering at sunrise and sundown,that and not having to get down on my hands and knees in the dirt, stickers and fire ants made me a happy camper. We made some wood and chicken wire panels to hold the second year bales together better. I should be ready to start conditioning them by the weekend. I was skeptical last year, so I planted many things in the ground too. Weeding was a pain and my back did not appreciate it. Only bales for me this year. There are several of us around the Wise/Montague County area. Good luck!