Monday, September 14, 2009

Attitude is everything!

Received this email today...
felt it worthy to post!

Your attitude towards life defines not only who you are, but the quality of life you are after.

Whatever it is that has been bugging you, doesn't seem so bad anymore, does it? If only we all could have the spirit that this little boy has!

h/t JD


Anonymous said...

Thanks for posting this <3

Gracious One said...

After having my system crash I finally get to comment and what an awesome comment it is,, the little boy who has what we all need more of a great attitude towards life. I like seeing this makes me feel more proud to be alive in this sucky world.

Canadian Sentinel said...

I can relate. Been totally deaf since I was five.

Went thru the school system exactly like everyone else, getting a university business degree with honors the hard way. Not hearing didn't get me down. Hell, I keep forgetting I can't hear.

Still have big plans. I'm seriously eyeing a move to Ottawa and taking advantage of connections to move onward and upward, moseying my way into the Conservative Party, hopefully becoming a political-combat strategist/tactician. Now I'll have to get one of those implants so as to hopefully hear again, just like Rush Limbaugh got...

Y'know, I used to actually envision myself being the next Arnold, even spending ten hardcore, obsessive years in the gym, though now that I know that Arnie's a Leftist, well, I'll just be myself!