Monday, September 14, 2015

Think happy thoughts

Shangri La ~ would you be happy there alone?

Our economy is now experiencing the fallout from the oil bust. I fear it’s just beginning. I hope I’m wrong. If the housing market tanks, we are in for devastating losses, as well as 50% unemployment.

My thoughts may be considered an alternate reality for most. Our dependence on an incompetent government is so enormous that it has become a possibility. Maybe even the endgame.

The wealthy continue to renounce US citizenship, supposedly over our tax rate. Is there a safer country to live and protect their wealth? Globalization may make moving money out of the US a good financial decision, but Shangri La has no appeal without family, friends and structured security.

Reportedly, 12 million Syrians have been displaced, the greatest migrant crisis since World War II. I cannot help but think that the past actions of the USA and our current foreign policy has had a major role in this crisis.

The plight of these refugees makes me wonder what I would do if I had to leave my home and move my family. What would I take and where would I go? Whether by natural disaster or civil unrest, its almost unthinkable, yet possible. What would you do to keep yourself and your family alive?

Presently here in the US, DHS detention camps are a reality for some immigrants, but after watching what happened after hurricane Katrina, they could become temporary homes for the displaced.

California may have found an alternative through state approved assisted suicide. I wonder how it can be suicide if it is assisted?

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